Date: Sun, 10 Apr 94 23:11:09 PDT From: The Info-Mac Moderators Reply-To: Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #58 To: info-mac-list Info-Mac Digest Sun, 10 Apr 94 Volume 12 : Issue 58 Today's Topics: [!] WriteThrough enclosure [*] AboutThatMac_V20; an easy-to-use system management utility [*] Apple-cd-audio-player-rsrc2; (a face lift) [*] Convert*Projects 1.0b3; from Think to CodeWarrior [*] Crystal Speedup History 2.3 (for timing oscillators) [*] csmp-digest-v3-011 [*] Default Folder 2.48 [*] DeskMates 1.2.3; desktop accessories [*] dskl10.hqx; DSK_Loader 1.0; Loader for TI DSP Starter Kit [*] excel-xltalk; a Speech Manager interface for Excel [*] Final Frontier 0.1 alpha; a 25 fps 3D space-opera game [*] Font Trouble Summary Post [*] Greg's Browser 2.1 -- File Navigation Utility [*] Incognito 1.1.3 [*] Menuette 2.0.1; replaces menus with icons [*] Menuette 2.0.1 Updater [*] Mike's Textures Vol.1; Desktop patterns [*] PageMaker 4.0 template for Motorola Bravo Express Label [*] pathways-11-to-20-68k-updt (Pathways Into Darkness) [*] pathways-11-to-20-ppc-updt (Pathways Into Darkness) [*] pI_protein; isoelectric point Excel worksheet [*] Printer Patrol 1.0; only print to allowed printers [*] ProteinSynthesisCartoon 1.1; a scientific visualisation [*] Roland TR-606 Drumatix Sound Sample Set [*] Shutdown FX 1.4 (source code) [*] Shutdown FX 1.4; clears the screen with a cool effect [*] Sparkle201; an MPEG and QT player and converter [*] SubjectExtractor; atext file parser [*] WriteThrough INIT source code; bypasses the disk cache 3D Scanning/Sampling [Q] Address for Canon [Q] Civilisation & Q650 About DiskCopy Adjustable Keyboard/OIDS? a few questions... Apple's World Warranty in the Middle East (Not!) Biology Cursor (Q) C++ examples ClarisWorks Logon Macros Results com.txt format? comment on sumex load Easter egg in Sound Trecker Growing system heap - culprit found help me Help me please! How not to read headers with Easy View HP DeskWriter 560C vs. Apple Color StyleWriter Pro Internal Syquest 88C-Centris/Qudara 650 problems Macintosh Midi Manager not at Mystique -- is it worth the download? Photoshop Plug-in Compatible Programs Printing from ethernetted PCs to Localtalk printer Print Mac Postscript files on Unix postscript printer ? Program Execution --> VHS REQ: Amiga MED player for the Macintosh...?? scheduling programs Scripting Beginner's Advice SIMM Problem softwindows Suggestion to ease load on Sumex... System Enablers Uninvited characters in e-mail VideoDirector The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa, Gordon Watts and Liam Breck. The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous, any password) in the info-mac directory on []. Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help. Mail articles for inclusion in the digest to Send binaries to be placed in the archives to Send administrative mail to ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 10 Apr 94 23:09:58 PDT From: The Moderators Subject: [!] WriteThrough enclosure Due to an oversight on my part, the binhex of the WriteThrough INIT by Stuart Cheshire appeared in the digest instead of the archive. Because of the small size of the binhex, I didn't notice it. Some people have gotten upset because their mail reading programs automatically placed the INIT on their hard disk. They have even sent flames to Stuart, who is entirely blameless. I suggest that the security fault, if any, lies in the mail program for debinhexing without seeking confirmation. Bill ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 Apr 94 09:15:49 PDT From: "Thanks for the memories..." Subject: [*] AboutThatMac_V20; an easy-to-use system management utility Here is Version 2.0 of AboutThatMac, an easy-to-use system management utility which allows remote monitoring of processes and memory use on networked Macintosh systems. AboutThatMac has no special hardware requirements. It requires System 7.0 or greater. This version, which supercedes all previous releases, fixes several bugs and adds new features: o choice of partitions, heaps or CPU usage displays o choice of several sorting options o Preferences dialog AboutThatMac is shareware. See the ReadMe file for details. Charlie Cassidy Celera Software (formerly Software Toolsmiths) [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/about-that-mac-20.hqx; 135K] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Apr 94 13:06:42 EDT From: Randy Russo Subject: [*] Apple-cd-audio-player-rsrc2; (a face lift) This resource will put a better look to your Apple CD Audio Player App. [Archived as /info-mac/app/apple-cd-player-face-lift-20-rsrc.hqx; 14K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 9 Apr 1994 20:46:01 -0400 (EDT) From: (Bare Bones Software) Subject: [*] Convert*Projects 1.0b3; from Think to CodeWarrior The attached BinHex file contains a StuffIt Deluxe archive of Convert*Projects, version 1.0b3. This is a "public beta" release version of a utility that will read in a THINK C 6.0 (or later) or THINK Pascal 4.0 project document, and generate an equivalent Code Warrior project document, for use with Metrowerks' line of compilers for the 68K and Power Macintosh. Convert*Projects is freeware, provided by Bare Bones Software, the developers and publishers of the popular text editors BBEdit and BBEdit Lite. Bare Bones Software Internet: [Archived as /info-mac/dev/convert-projects-10b3.hqx; 66K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 8 Apr 94 01:01:04 PST From: Marc Schrier Subject: [*] Crystal Speedup History 2.3 (for timing oscillators) Mac Crystal Oscillator Speedup History 2.3 April 1994 There has been a great deal of interest expressed over the net about these simple and inexpensive Macintosh modifications that yield 20- 40% speed increases. Over the last year or so I have been doing a fair amount of crystal oscillator swapping/acceleration on Mac's, and gathering information from others. I've made several posts to comp.sys.mac.hardware with the bulk of this info and as new machines come out, and new concerns surface, I will try to add them to this history of the modifications, post them on comp.sys.mac.hardware and make them available for anonymous ftp on in /info-mac/info/hdwr. Included in this version is some of the news on the PowerMac's and Marlin Prowell's new C650 modification. Mac Crystal Oscillator Speedup History 2.3 April 1994 [Archived as /info-mac/info/hdwr/crystal-speedup-history-23.txt; 28K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 9 Apr 94 11:03:42 MET DST From: (Francois Pottier) Subject: [*] csmp-digest-v3-011 C.S.M.P. Digest Sat, 09 Apr 94 Volume 3 : Issue 11 Today's Topics: AddResource() to self? Changing font when using PopupMenuSelect () Q! Converting C String to Str255? How to keep screen savers from activating? How to save a PICT? INIT: displaying a dialog LabView programming group? Proper way to dim screen Think Pascal tools for tracking down memory problems WorldScript compatible Text Editors The Comp.Sys.Mac.Programmer Digest is moderated by Francois Pottier ( [Archived as /info-mac/per/csmp/csmp-v3-011.txt; 62K] ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 Apr 94 18:15:13 EDT From: (Jon Gotow) Subject: [*] Default Folder 2.48 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Following is the latest release of Default Folder, version 2.48. It should replace any previous versions in the archives. Default Folder is a control panel that allows you to set up default folders for applications and desk accessories. It also provides pop-up menus in the standard file dialog (like Directory Assistance or SuperBoomerang) for navigating between often-used folders and disks and for modifying the current application's default folder. It also provides a "rebound" feature which reselects the last file you chose. Default Folder is shareware. Version 2.48 fixes a few bugs found since the last release. In the control panel, selecting the rebound feature under System 6 could cause an error when closing the Preferences dialog, sometimes resulting in a system crash. In file dialogs, click selection at the Desktop level was erratic when an Appleshare volume, a floppy, or a CD-ROM was being used . Also, the first selection made after the file list was refreshed did not select the correct file or folder. Thanks - Jon Gotow [Archived as /info-mac/gui/default-folder-248.hqx; 141K] ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 Apr 1994 15:42:13 -0500 From: David Darby Subject: [*] DeskMates 1.2.3; desktop accessories Dear System administrators I have updated my shareware program DeskMates to 1.2.3 with some new features and bug fixes. I would appreciate if you could upload it to your excellent (and recently needlessly and incomprehensibly corrupted) archive site for Macintosh shareware. Could you please remove any older version(s) already there. I have attached the text file and the binhexed application (which is in self-extracting archive format). Thanks again David Darby DeskMates 1.2.2 This is an updated version of the popular shareware program containing an analog clock, multiple notebooks, a stopwatch, a calculator, an alarm scheduler, calendar with daily appointments, a date pad and much more. It has been upgraded to include multiple fonts, styles, sizes, colors, case changing, word wrap, better timing accuracy, less RAM usage, auto-hide feature when in background, bolding of calendar days with attached duties, improved finding ability, and eradication of major bugs! This is a major improvement, and is recommended for all users of DeskMates and interested others. The next upgrade will include an address book and improved calculator functions. Hope you like it, and thanks to all those who have made suggestions and sent their shareware fee! [Archived as /info-mac/app/desk-mates-123.hqx; 360K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 08 Apr 1994 09:55:52 +0200 From: G.POLDER%CPRO.AGRO.NL@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU Subject: [*] dskl10.hqx; DSK_Loader 1.0; Loader for TI DSP Starter Kit DSK_Loader 1.0 DSK_Loader is the Macintosh equivalent of the DOS program DSKL. With this program you can communicate with the DSK (DSP Starter Kit) from Texas Instruments. This program bootloads a simple communications kernel and then loads other software using this kernel. Other options are: * Fill DSK memory with a certain value. * Dump DSK memory into a textwindow, for further processing. * Execute programs on the DSK. * Graph output from the DSK. * Act as a dumb terminal to the DSK. The DSK and thus DSK_Loader is most interesting for people who want to experiment with Digital Signal Processing at low costs. For HAM-Radio operators it is a very interesting piece of equipment, Some applications, like the KC7WW port of the W9GR filters are included. this program may be included on the commercially available CD-ROM of the archives. Gerrit. [Archived as /info-mac/app/dsk-loader-10.hqx; 226K] ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 Apr 1994 10:56:23 +0100 From: Richard Buckle Subject: [*] excel-xltalk; a Speech Manager interface for Excel An Excel add-in I have written to allow Excel to use the new Speech Manager (not included!). Cells and text can be read aloud from the menu bar and from Excel macro language, using any installed voice. Speed, pitch and modulation of the voice can be varied. Freeware. [Archived as /info-mac/app/excel-xltalk.hqx; 47K] ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 Apr 1994 18:13:55 +0200 From: Christian Steffen Ove Franz Subject: [*] Final Frontier 0.1 alpha; a 25 fps 3D space-opera game Final Frontier is a 25 fps 3D space-opera type game. This version is an alpha-release I just distributed because of demand. The release version of FF will be much better than this alpha. Cheers, Christian [Archived as /info-mac/game/final-frontier-01a.hqx; 750K] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 07 Apr 94 18:15:46 CST From: Mack Willingham Subject: [*] Font Trouble Summary Post Hello all. A week or so ago I had a problem with trashing some fonts that were in my fonts folder. I posted the question here, and got several prompt replies. Also I got a request to post the replies I got, and how I solved the problem. I had planned to post them last week, but the pc I was on at the time crashed and I lost the file (just like a pc). So there it is: [Archived as /info-mac/info/sft/font-trouble-summary.txt; 3K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 9 Apr 1994 17:01:20 +0100 (BST) From: Greg Landweber Subject: [*] Greg's Browser 2.1 -- File Navigation Utility Greg's Browser v2.1 (6 April 1994) (c)1993-94 Gregory D. Landweber REGISTRATION FEE: US $20 or UK L12 Internet: Do you think the Finder is too slow and clumsy when navigating through your folder structure? Do you perhaps use a hierarchical Apple menu utility but are tired of zigging and zagging your mouse from submenu to submenu? Or maybe you just like color icons. If so then you should try Greg's Browser. Displaying multiple folders in a single window, Greg's Browser lets you simultaneously see the contents of a folder, its parent, and a subfolder, providing a quick and easy way of moving both up and down through your folder hierarchy. Greg's Browser requires System 7 and Color QuickDraw. Changes since version 2.0 o Put the documentation file into a "Browser Docs" window, available via the About... box or the help menu. o You can now change the font and size in Browser windows, with the option of anti-aliasing text if the TrueType version is available. o New Browser windows now open to the same position in the file lists as the frontmost window. o Added several alias resolving features triggered by the